The Posture Prescription: Using Physiotherapy to Correct and Prevent Back Pain

The Posture Prescription: Using Physiotherapy to Correct and Prevent Back Pain

The Posture Prescription: Using Physiotherapy to Correct and Prevent Back Pain

low back pain

Discover Postural Awareness With Physiotherapy For Posture Correction

Many people, especially as they get older, seek care for low back pain, making it the fifth most common reason for medical appointments. Nearly 80% of individuals experience back pain at some point in their lives, and approximately 20% of adults suffer from persistent, long-term low back pain often affected by poor posture. Did you know that you can use physiotherapy for posture corrections, which may help prevent back pain?

At Physio for Seniors, we prioritize educating our patients in physiotherapy techniques to help them find their ideal posture, ease back pain, and help improve overall health and well-being without the need for daily pain medication. With exercises and personalized treatments, physiotherapy can help you move better, build strength, and enhance your independence.

Call us today to schedule an in-home assessment with one of our physiotherapists.

Applying Physiotherapy For Posture Correction And Back Pain Relief

Remember those times when a caring adult nudged you to “fix your posture” when you were younger? They likely meant “stand up straight” or “don’t hunch your shoulders” because bad posture was commonly associated with health, manners, and aesthetics.

Our in-home physiotherapists understand that there is more to posture than simply being “good” or “bad.” We focus instead on guiding patients toward postural awareness, which is the ability to sense where your body is and how it moves in various postures so that the body can easily adapt to different situations and movements.

Studies have shown that sitting in one place and one position for a prolonged period of time can increase pressure on the spine and negatively affect how your spine feels and moves. When you do need to sit for a while, like when you’re typing emails to grandchildren or friends who live far away, try to sit with your back straight, keep your feet flat on the floor, and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle in line with your hips.

When standing, it’s important to have workspaces like tabletops and counters at a comfortable height so you can perform your tasks without hunching your shoulders and bending your neck in a sustained c position.

Prioritizing changing your postures (regularly incorporating movement into your stance) instead of static postures (holding or maintaining one position for an extended period) can help improve your postural awareness and may help decrease back pain. For example, when performing daily tasks such as washing dishes, frequently changing the way you stand, and taking breaks every 30 minutes can help you avoid muscle fatigue.

Our physiotherapists will help you find your ideal position of the spine so you can maintain that awareness as much as possible, including when sitting, standing, and moving around your home.

In-Home Physiotherapy For Posture Correction With Physio for Seniors

We begin every physiotherapy program with a thorough assessment to understand the way you move and your posture when sitting, standing, and moving. We’ll create a personalized plan that may include techniques like:

  • Targeted exercises to support your posture.
  • Adjustments to your surroundings to help break poor postural habits.
  • Specialized tools such as floor mats, grabbers, and reachers to help you maintain your best posture to minimize the risks of aggravating your back pain throughout the day.

Curious about whether your posture could use a tune-up? Keep an eye out for telltale signs, such as increased discomfort in your back or neck or the appearance of rounded or uneven shoulders. Physiotherapy for posture correction is not just about easing existing back pain; it’s also about preventing it before it starts.

The convenience of our in-home physiotherapy sessions can help you gain independence, easily move throughout your home, and relax at the end of the day without back pain. Call us today to explore how physiotherapy interventions can help you prevent discomfort and pave the way to a pain-free back.


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