Physiotherapy after Hip or Knee Surgery

Physiotherapy after Hip or Knee Surgery

Physiotherapy after Hip or Knee Surgery

Physiotherapy after Hip or Knee Surgery

Post surgical rehabilitation is important after surgery to prevent immobilization, joint stiffness and excessive swelling, practice walking and stair climbing, as well as to strengthen muscles and increase stability around the joint. The physiotherapist can assess the wound for healing and check for signs of infection.

Common problems after orthopedic surgery include:

  • swelling that creates pain and pressure around limited spaces
  • tenderness and tightness around the incision site
  • scar tissue from soft tissues that have been cut or stretched during surgery
  • soft tissue restrictions that were there before the surgery and are still present
  • muscles that switch off due to the presence of pain
  • reduced mobility, limping and difficulty walking and stair climbing

The physiotherapy assessment determines which of these issues the patient is struggling with and prioritizes the treatment accordingly. At Physio For Seniors, we provide in-home physiotherapy services which help seniors with all their mobility needs whether it is to walk with less pain, improve independence, recover from surgery, falls, hospitalization and any medical conditions affecting balance and mobility.